Welcome to Laus Sørensen's Blog
Dive into Thoughts from Prague
Explore personal commentary, travel experiences, food delights and tech updates from Laus Sørensen, living in Prague.
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Report from a quit smoking journey
(dette er skrevet d. 9/1 om eftermiddagen) Som en person, der kun med få og ubetydelige afbrydelser har røget hele sit voksne liv og en skræmmende del af barndommen, har jeg lullet mig ind i en opfattelse af, at det ville være fint at stoppe med at ryge, men at tiden...

Are you using your dishwasher properly and are you happy with the results?
Before you replace a dishwasher you're not completely happy with, read this! Looking at the range of detergents available for dishwashers, I have to believe that almost all of them use tabs and very few use powdered soap. A claim on...

My experiences from one month travelling in Vietnam, July 2024
I recently returned from my first ever visit to Vietnam and I wanted to summarise my experiences from the trip. Both in terms of the planning and the thoughts behind
About Laus Sørensen
Laus Sørensen is the man behind Wallbanger.dk, a blog that reflects his passion for sharing personal commentary on current affairs, travelogues and tech hacks. Based in Prague, Laus brings his unique perspective and joy of food to his readers. The blog's mission is to be a thought car park where readers can find inspiration and knowledge.